USAID, University of Fiji Hold Seminar to Improve Management of Fiji’s Coastal Resources

The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and the University of Fiji held a seminar on March 28, 2018 to present project results to government partners and private sector partners and to mark the completion of the USAID-supported, “Developing Base Maps of Tropical Aquatic Resources in the Pacific” project.

With support from USAID through its Pacific-American Climate Fund (PACAM), the University of Fiji used GIS satellite imagery to develop high-resolution base maps of coastal marine resources at two coastal communities in Fiji: Votua, Ba and Komave, Coral Coast. These maps can inform future environmental policies and enhance the management of the country’s coastal resources.

At the seminar, participants presented their studies in the field of marine coastal and resource mapping, as well as on adaptation strategies to prepare communities from extreme weather events and disasters.  The seminar concluded with discussions on the way forward in research and by reviewing options for collaboration.

The USAID-University of Fiji partnership has resulted to two new courses that will be offered at the University of Fiji beginning September 2018. The new courses, which will be part of the university’s environmental science program, will help strengthen capacity to manage coastal marine resources. The project has also improved eight existing courses in the program by supporting site visits, providing training on capacity building and purchasing resource materials for students.

The partnership also collected regional satellite imagery to produce thematic maps that can highlight human uses and characteristics of global coastal ecosystems, including coral reefs, wetlands, and coastal aquaculture systems. The project is currently working on a user-friendly interface that will enable researchers and other stakeholders to access this information for free.

The project started in April 2015 and is scheduled to end in April 2018. It was implemented in partnership with the University of South Florida and Secretariat of the Pacific Community GeoScience Division.

USAID’s PACAM is a grant-making facility that assists twelve Pacific Island countries to reduce long-term vulnerabilities associated with extreme climate variations. Through PACAM, USAID awards grants to civil society organizations in support of adaptation measures and related “co-benefits”, such as livelihoods enhancement, improved health, food security, disaster risk reduction, and sustainable natural resources management.

Dr. Jan Steffen – Project Director for Marine and Coastal Biodiversity Management in Pacific Island Countries (MACBIO) with the participants at the seminar.

Professional Writing Workshop for Khelvin REALTORS

In the era of trade, innovation, expansion, the service industry began setting a premise for customer satisfaction. With this in mind, The University of Fiji designed a Professional Writing for Career and Business Workshop/Online Programme for the Corporate Sector with the assistance, able leadership and guidance of two English Lecturers, Ms. Manpreet Kaur and Ms. Sanjaleen Prasad. This academic-industry partnership was fostered through the guidance of Executive Director Finance, Mr. Ravineet Sami. Officiating the opening of the workshop, Mr. Sami shared this dream of the Vice-Chancellor, Professor Prem Misir, who has initiated the concept of academic-industry collaboration and the need to offer short courses/workshops to further boost the Fijian economy with up-skilling its human resources.

The workshop for Khelvin Realtors is housed at The University of Fiji for three days commencing on 14th June to 16th June, 2017. 25 zealous participants attended the first day of the workshop. The intensive Workshop commences at 9am and finishes at 4.30pm. The participants are from various sectors within Khelvin Realtors. The Professional Writing for Career and Business Workshop/Online Programme is tailor made to cater for the growing needs to up-skill the personnels at the Corporate Sectors. It entails the four communicative skills namely: listen, speak, read and write. For each of the skills, myriad activities, hands-on exercise, practice and content coverage is carried out comprehensively. After successful completion of the workshop, participants will be awarded with a Certificate of Attainment.

According to Manpreet Kaur, one of the facilitators of the programme, the Workshop allows workers to identify their zone of proximal development and see beyond their existing potential. Sanjaleen Prasad, one of the designers of the programme adds: “with our second workshop of a similar nature for the corporate sector, we have realized the scope of the programme and the desire from the workers to up-skill themselves professionally and also for personal enhancement.” Also, during the second session of the Workshop for the Realtors, the facilitators stressed on telephone etiquettes – necessitate a progressive outlook and barriers to effective communication impeding customer.

Further, the Professional Writing Workshop provides the Corporate Sector personnels with an opportunity to further enhance, fortify and sharpen their communicative skills in order to better deliver and serve the Fijian customers at large.

Mr Vipul Sharma, one of the directors of the company,  who is also a participant at the Workshop stated that the Workshop is a refresher course for them and it enables human resources to recognize that listening and speaking are integral components even in a Corporate Sector.  Other participants shared similar sentiments and they are looking forward to the next stage of this Professional Writing Workshop.  Also, the General Manager for Khelvin Realtors, Mr Arun Sami shared that; ‘The workshop was one way to invest in his human resources’.

The facilitators of the Workshop are indisputably appreciative and grateful to The Vice Chancellor of The University of Fiji, Professor Prem Misir, for his vision and farsightedness. The Online Course/Workshop has entirely been The Vice Chancellor’s concept of further engaging the Corporate Sector and aligning the University programmes in order to create and contribute towards a knowledge based society and knowledge based development. Professor Prem Misir has explicitly shared this dream of engagement with the Corporate Sectors during the two Academic-Industry Collaboration events hosted by The University of Fiji this year at Tanoa International Hotel, Nadi and Grand Pacific Hotel in Suva.

The University is committed to meet the demands of the Fijian economy and further obligated to produce and sharpen work-ready graduates. The Workshop is a platform to further up-skill the human resource so that the reputable companies continue to grow and reach zenith. With the first session for Kelvin Realtors already creating ripples, and the 25 participants being the testimony of the accomplishment of the workshop, the University is further committed to expanding its programme here in Fiji. There is a lot more in store for the Corporate Sector to further enhance the soft skills, interpersonal skills and day-to-day swift running of the industry. This is just a pebble in the pond for the myriad initiatives on offer from the Professional Writing training.

Manpreet Kaur and Sanjaleen Prasad

Facilitators – Professional Writing for Career and Business Workshop/Online Programme

Komave Visit a Success

UniFiji Pacific American Climate Fund team doing presentation at Komave Village

The UniFiji USAID PACAM project team initiated their community outreach program at Komave Village.

The main purpose for the meeting was to present the findings of the thematic maps produced during the mapping exercise to the villagers, by conducting informal discussions with communities and the Nadroga/ Navosa Provincial Council thus, collecting data that would be useful in attuning the maps.

The UniFiji PACAM Project Manager, Anish Maharaj started off with the meeting by thanking the villagers for taking out their time and attending the meeting.

A presentation was done by UniFiji PACAM project team whereby the communities were briefed about the project, its objectives, and satellite maps for Komave, benefits from the project and its expected outcomes.

“Small groups were formed and in each group we had one Itaukei UniFiji staff/student, this enabled the participants to communicate well with the UniFiji PACAM project team. Each group was given a draft map and were requested to discuss and provide additional information such as fishing sites, picnic and extraction spots and waste disposal sites,” said Mr. Maharaj.

UniFiji PACAM project team informed the villagers to use the draft map as a resource to help conserve their resources.

A total of 33 people had registered and attended the meeting out of which 16 were males while 17 were females.

The participatory group discussion was very constructive and the information gathered will be interpreted and the thematic maps will be attuned accordingly by incorporating the traditional knowledge and ideas.

VCs Two year Completion

The Vice-Chancellor Prem Misir on June 1, 2017 successfully completed his two years at the University of Fiji.

A ceremony was held at the Saweni campus to commemorate the event.

Speaking at the event, Ambassador Mr Kamlesh Arya said that he was delighted that VC has completed a 2 year term and wished him many more years to come.

“Vice-Chancellor has completed two years of his service for UniFiji. After a long time, a Vice-Chancellor has stayed in the University for a two year term. I would like to thank Professor Misir for his continued support and guidance in helping shape the University to where it is now,” he said.

Executive Director Finance, Mr Ravineet Sami, said that he worked very closely with the Professor Misir and thanked him for the wide perspective and great vision.

Professor Prem Misir was appointed the Vice-Chancellor of the University of Fiji on June 1, 2015. This year marks his second corporate anniversary. Prof Misir has worked tirelessly to make UniFiji a better academic institution. His leadership and guidance is commendable.

The staff of the University of Fiji wishes to convey their gratitude to Professor Prem Misir for his sensational leadership and encouragement for the past two years.

The best way to describe Professor Misir is as quoted by M.D. Arnold- “A good leader leads the people from above them. A great leader leads the people from within them.”

Plastic Bags Phase Out Initiative

Pacific Leaders declared 2017 as the Pacific Year for the Ocean. The ocean represents the largest ecosystem and life support system on our planet. Our Pacific Ocean plays a vital role in our lives and economy. Its health is paramount for our survival and prosperity.
One of the major threats to our oceans’ health is the proliferation of plastic waste.
This by-product of urbanization and commercialization is detrimental to the health of the oceans and all life that it supports. Information available today reveals that the opulence of oceans are severely undermined from plastic waste, and although we understand that this is a global issue, we also believe that we need to play our part and work towards ensuring that plastic waste sourced by our cities, towns and villages are minimized, if not totally eradicated.
The issue of plastic waste is also addressed in at least three sustainable development goals.
A partnership of concerned organisations has developed around this issue and we would like to bring on board the private sector to take the lead to bring about the desired changes on terms that are favourable to the sector, rather than having these imposed. At the consultation we would like to reach an agreement on acceptable timelines and a preferred process for such a plastic bag phase out and move towards a pathway of more responsible clean and green packaging in Fiji.
