Centre for Climate Change

Centre for Climate Change, Energy, Environment and Sustainable Development (CCCEESD)

The Centre for Climate Change, Energy, Environment and Sustainable Development has been established to complement the work of the University’s Department of Science and contribute to professional development, research and publications, policy-oriented project management and consultancies. This Centre has been formed to strengthen research capacity and to harness it in the service of policy making, planning and sustainable development in areas of climate change, energy, environment, science and technology. The Centre will work in tandem with the School of Science and Technology to offer courses and programmes that are relevant to the sustainable development of Fiji and the Pacific region.

CCCEESD has also developed a sub-centre, Centre for Renewable Energy (CORE) in order to address pressing issues in the area of Renewable and Sustainable Energy.

The key objective of the CCCEESD is to strengthen research capacity and to harness it in the service of policy making, planning and sustainable development in areas of climate change, energy, environment, science and technology. It will provide policy analysis and market research services in these areas, with emphasis on liaison and networking with the private sector in Fiji and other Pacific Island countries.

Other Objectives

  • Think-tank for strategic issues (to be gleaned from priorities set by PIC Leaders at key regional meetings such as Forum Leaders, Environment Ministers, Governing Councils, and international forums such as World Summit on Sustainable Development, Mauritius Strategy for SIDS and Conference of Parties for environment conventions).
  • Research/ analysis of emerging issues in renewable energy and climate change e.g. use of bio-fuels, energy efficiency, adaptation to climate change, technologies for sustainable development and waste management.
  • Assist governments in key areas where there is limited capacity such as fulfilling reporting obligations under various regional and international environment conventions and treaties.
  • Work with governments to develop projects for accessing funds from multilateral sources such as Global Environment Facility, Montreal Protocol, and development partners.
  • Promote south-south partnerships in areas such as technology.
  • Establish links with institutions and research Organizations in developed and developing countries.
  • Collaborate with regional and national Organizations and institutions.
  • Encourage national and international experts to carry out targeted work in issues that will promote national sustainable development. The Centre would provide a base for research in small island issues.
  • Run national/regional training courses (short courses, workshops)
  • Offer postgraduate programmes and opportunities for research in strategic areas such as natural resource management and climate change.
  • Promote community outreach and advocacy on issues through existing and new networks.

The Director of CCCEESD is responsible for all the activities of CORE and is an ongoing position. The director CCCEES/CORE is appointed from the Center Members comprises only of the members of Department of Science of UoF.

Center Administration:

  • Chief Executive of the University: Vice-Chancellor of UoF
  • Director CCCEESD/CORE: Dr. Syed Ghani
  • Assistant Director-CCCEESD: Mr. Ramendra Prasad
  • Assistant Director – CORE: TBA
  • Secretary: Ms. Dhrishna Charan
  • Treasurer: Mrs. Priyatma Singh
  • CCCEESD/CORE Members: Mr. Aman Deo, Ms, Roslyn Naidu, Dr. Priit Kilgas, Ms. Andreen Kiran, Mr. Sanjay Singh.


Centre activities and Events

World Water Day –   22nd March –   Annual Event
International Day of Forest21st March – Annual Event
Eco-ContestSemester Break – Annual Event
Clean-Up Campaigns – Regular Intervals

  • In collaboration with the SOST-Department of Science and other schools has prepared Masters in Renewable Energy Management (REM) program.
  • Conducted literature review of Nadi Basin sponsored by Integrated Water Resource Management (IWRM)-Demo project Fiji, Nadi, Fiji.
  • The University of Fiji in collaboration with University of Alicante, Spain, University of Papua New Guinea, PNG and European Commission (EC) undertook the Project RENEWABLE ENERGY IN THE PACIFIC: DEVELOPING SKILLS AND CAPACITY (EPIC). The duration of the project is 3 years with the total budget of 469403.92 Euros out of which 398993.33 Euros is sponsored by European Commission (EC). The project started in the month October 2013 and the first visit to attend the Kick Off meeting at University of Alicante, Spain in November 2013.


Climate Change Seminar: Fitting the Pieces Together. 17. May 2014, the University of Fiji, Saweni, Fiji. In collaboration with Department of Science and Project Survival Pacific.

Pacific Regional Climate Change and Health Symposium. 13th – 15th September 2012 at The University of Fiji, Lautoka, Fiji. Theme: “Improving health through adaptation – strengthening health systems to protect Pacific island communities from the health impacts of climate change”. Supported by World Health Organization (WHO), Secretariat of the Pacific Community (SPC), and Ministry of Health, Fiji.

Director CCCEESD
The University of Fiji
Phone: (679) 6640600
Email: ClimateChangeE@unifiji.ac.fj
