Foundation Studies

The Foundation Studies Programme is equivalent to the Fiji Year 13 Examination or Year 13 in New Zealand and Australian secondary schools. It provides an alternative pathway to degree studies for students who leave secondary school after successfully completing the Year 12 in Fiji or Year 12 in New Zealand or Australia or the Pacific Senior Secondary Certificate (PSSC). The PSSC is taken by students in Form 6 in Tonga, Samoa, Solomon Islands, Kiribati, Vanuatu, Tuvalu and Nauru.

Admission to the Foundation Studies Programme

The student requires a minimum of 200 marks from four subjects with at least 50% in English in Year 12. In addition, those who are 21 years of age and over can gain admission with standing and enrol as mature level students.

The Foundation Studies Programme is available in four strands, namely:
1. Commerce
2. Social Science
3. Science
• Option 1 Pure Science
• Option 2 For MBBS progress
• Option 3 Information Technology and Mathematics
4. Certificate in the Fundamentals of Law

Strand 1: Commerce (part of School of Business and Economics)

The programme in Foundation Commerce requires the completion of eight (8) courses. To complete the Certificate in Foundation Commerce students must pass eight (8) courses, two (2) of which are compulsory: *LLCF11 and *LLCF12. Students may choose six (6) other Foundation courses from the Commerce strand.

Strand 2: Social Science (part of School of Humanities & Arts)

The programme in Foundation Social Science requires the completion of eight (8) courses. To complete the Certificate in Foundation Social Science students must pass eight (8), two (2) of which are compulsory: *LLCF11 and *LLCF12. Student may choose six (6) other Foundation courses from the Social Science strand.

Strand 3: Science (part of School of Science and Technology)

The programme in Foundation Science requires the completion of eight (8) courses. To complete the Certificate in Foundation Science must pass eight (8), two (2) of which are compulsory: *LLCF11 and *LLCF12. Student may choose six (6) other Foundation courses from the Science strand.

Strand 4: Certificate in the Fundamentals of Law (part of Justice Devendra Pathik School of Law)

The programme Certificate in the Fundamentals of Law requires the completion of eight (8) courses.


For more details click here. (Pages 59-62).


The Unclassified Studies option at the University also enable students to take Foundation courses in subjects they have not passed in Year 13, while also enrolling in degree courses in subjects they have passed at Year 13 level.

For admission to degree studies, students will need to pass eight (8) courses in the Foundation Studies Programme, including both English courses: LLCF11 and LLCF12. (See also requirements for specific programmes).
