News & Blog

Unifiji Unveils Fiji’s Biggest Smiley to Mark International Day of Happiness

The University of Fiji, through the School of Business and Economics, unveiled Fiji’s Biggest Smiley in a special event today to commemorate the International Day of Happiness.

The smiley signifies the importance of happiness in our lives, whether as students, employees or simply as human beings. It also signifies that we demonstrate happiness when we smile and laugh.

The Smiley represents a moment when we take a pause and reflect and be grateful for all the things we have that make us happy. The University believes that such an event is a reminder to not just students but the community at large that Human values should be part of any organization and the responsibility that organizations have towards their employees and customers.

The Acting Dean of the School of Business and Economics, Prof. Kishor Meher, conveyed his sincere appreciation, gratitude and love to humanity at large, especially the Fijian community. He stated that “genuine happiness is a mental state where one perceives reality as it truly is. Rather
than stemming from self-centeredness, true happiness grows out of a deep love and compassion for all living beings worldwide, arising from a significant understanding of their suffering. Such compassion inspires awareness, resolve, and dedication to human life, ultimately nurturing a sense of fulfilment that manifests as profound happiness”.

The event was attended by all university staff and students. The Head of the Economics Department  stated that this event is aimed at recalling the happiness in a busy university community. “The big smiley reflects the university as a Happy place, as it will be seen from the Queen’s Highway by the public who will see it from the roadside. Being happy and smiling in interaction with people gives us energy for our work. This event will help us recall the goal of our lives to everyone who is busy at work in their own isolated compartments”.

The Head of the Management Department highlighted that happiness is the ultimate goal and that the discipline of Management has key outcomes related to happiness, such as employee and customer satisfaction.

The University Student Association was a key part of this event. The University Choir also performed with the famous “Happy” rendition Hymn. The event was hosted outdoors at the Student Bure to signify the pleasure and happiness that all Fijians have being connected to the nature
around us.

The School of Business and Economics held two events to mark the International Day of Happiness, including a Brown Bag Seminar for all university staff by Associate Professors Dr Murage Athula Ranasinghe and Dr Navneel Prasad on March 20th, 2025. The “Unveiling of Fiji’s
Biggest Smiley” was the final event for this year’s International Day of Happiness.


The University of Fiji celebrates International Women’s Day by Accelerating Action for women at universities

The University of Fiji will champion acceleration of women’s advancement by ensuring that women who have shown meritorious performance do not get left behind in appointments, promotion, career opportunities and qualifications at the University. This was the message that the Vice Chancellor Professor Shaista Shameem delivered for International Women’s Day to the staff and students of the University on Friday to commemorate IWD on 8th March.

Professor Shaista Shameem said that for far too long competent and qualified women had to take a backseat when it was obvious that the only reason for their lack of seniority in University positions was that they were female. These women were not seeking special favours or affirmative action because they were women but because they had achieved what was required for equality. They had to be treated the same as men in opportunities for work and advancement. Hence the University would accelerate action for suitably qualified and experienced women both in academic and administrative roles.

Professor Shameem said that the University’s policy was that all positions are filled on merit, meaning that both staff and students are expected to retain its position as the top-quality tertiary institution in the region.

At the same time, the University also, simultaneously, had a firm blueprint on equity and equality, Professor Shameem said. “All those who join UniFiji are aware that, irrespective of personal circumstances or attributes including gender, ethnicity or anything else, quality is the driving force of the University”.

For that reason, women who exhibit quality in learning, teaching and administration need not fear that they would fall behind within the University system due to their gender, she said. Professor Shameem urged UniFiji women to accelerate their studies and work experiences to be able to attain the highest possible qualifications and career opportunities on offer.



Dear Students

Greetings from the Office of the Registrar!

Kindly note that the Application for Completion of Programme is now CLOSED for 4th April, 2025 Graduation. Applications received after this date will not be accepted.

Applicants with outstanding dues need to clear their dues by 14th March, 2025. Students with outstanding fees are required to contact the Finance Office at

For further information, please contact the Examinations Office on

Please find the attached Flyer for the Application for Completion of Programme.


University of Fiji Registrar Encourages Leadership and Integrity at Nadroga Arya College Prefects Induction

The Registrar of the University of Fiji, Ms. Nathasha Mudaliar, delivered an inspiring address at the Nadroga Arya College Prefects Induction Ceremony, reminding the newly appointed student leaders that their roles come with great responsibility and expectations.
A total of 51 school prefects were badged in the induction ceremony on Friday last week, ranging from class prefects, school prefects to the Head Boy and Head Girl.
Delivering her remarks at the prefect’s induction, Ms. Mudaliar urged the prefects to lead by example while maintaining fairness, and upholding their duties with integrity.
“To the Prefects of 2025, that badge you wear will test who you really are. It is not a title or a bragging right. It is a responsibility,” Ms. Mudaliar stated.
“When you lead, you need to command respect and not fear nor use your badge to give orders. You must walk the talk, and to be a leader, you must do what you ask others to do.”
Ms. Mudaliar emphasized that leadership extends beyond enforcing rules and regulations, highlighting the importance of fostering a sense of community within the school.
“You are entrusted with the well-being of your fellow students, and it is your duty to lead by example, demonstrating integrity, compassion, and respect in all your interactions.”
Ms. Mudaliar also acknowledged the crucial role of parents, teachers, and the school management in nurturing young leaders. She extended her gratitude to the Arya Pratinidhi Sabha of Fiji for its ongoing commitment to education.
Encouraging students to pursue higher education, she also highlighted the opportunities available at the University of Fiji, particularly for families in the Western Division.
“I am confident that each one of you will excel in your chosen careers. We expect you to be excellent ambassadors. I hope to see many of you at the University of Fiji to pursue careers such as doctors, nurses, teachers, accountants, managers, and even as the university Registrar or Vice-Chancellor someday.”
Ms. Mudaliar concluded her address with a message of encouragement, inspiring students to lead with fairness, kindness, and a strong sense of duty.


UniFiji and SRIF sign MOU for collaboration in the Sugar Industry

The University of Fiji and the Sugar Research Institute of Fiji (SRIF) today entered a far-reaching Memorandum of Understanding to collaborate as partners on a range of initiatives to benefit both the sugar industry and higher education.

In the initial phase of the partnership, UniFiji will assist SRIF to develop its five-year Strategic Plan and SRIF will provide support for the University’s science research and student attachments.

The MOU was signed today by the Vice Chancellor Professor Shaista Shameem and the CEO of SRIF Dr Vinesh Kumar at the Saweni Campus of the University.

The MOU allows the University to help develop SRIF’s Strategic Plan in accordance with the Sugar Research Institute of Fiji Act 2005.

In her address, Professor Shameem said that the legal mandate of SRIF was wide-ranging and included responsibility to undertake research on technical, social, scientific and commercial aspects of the sugar industry, to provide technical and other support to farmers including cane quality payments, and to have oversight on land use, environmental protection, diversification and performance of the industry. Professor Shameem said SRIF’s comprehensive mandate allowed the University to reflect on the best way to assist the Institute with defining its outputs and outcomes.

The University will also help to train and build capacity for SRIF personnel and stakeholders including farmers. The MOU establishes a programme of work with collaboration on industry initiatives aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals and Fiji’s climate change commitments.

The University will also provide SRIF stakeholders with specialized training curricula, short courses and certificates tailored to the legislative mandate of SRIF and the sugar industry as a whole. Joint workshops, seminars and conferences are also planned under the MOU. Also planned is assistance with policy and communication strategy development.

Other areas of collaboration between UniFiji and SRIF include training opportunities for students and internships and attachments with SRIF.

The CEO of SRIF said that this partnership marks a significant milestone in the collective efforts to advance research, innovation, and capacity- building in Fijis Sugar industry.

He shared that SRIF has always committed to scientific excellence and industry driven research, therefore by working together with the University of Fiji, both institutions will be able to bridge the gap between research and practice, ensuring cutting-edge scientific knowledge is translated into tangible benefits for farmers, millers and industry stakeholders.

Dr Kumar also thanked the leadership of the University for recognizing the importance of this partnership and commitment to foster research and education in the sugar sector. The MOU will pave a way for joint research projects, student training programmes, academic exchanges and collaborative initiative focused on key challenges in the sugar industry. This will include improving soil health, enhancing cane varieties, developing climate resilient farming techniques and optimizing sugar production.

Professor Shameem said that in the University’s view sugar remained an essential part of the overall economy of Fiji and when SRIF reached out for an MOU, the University did not hesitate. SRIF’s legislation allowed the University to add value to the MOU by proposing a holistic and human values perspective on the sugar industry. She said the industry also had heritage value in its origins and social structure both in farming and milling. The sugar industry had supported the social, economic and cultural well-being of generations of people in Fiji and thus needed to be treated with respect.

Most of the students of the University came from the west and therefore the University had a responsibility to ensure that the range of economic activity in the west, in all its diversity and variety, was supported and became resilient for the good of all, Professor Shameem said.
