Unifiji Unveils Fiji’s Biggest Smiley to Mark International Day of Happiness
The University of Fiji, through the School of Business and Economics, unveiled Fiji’s Biggest Smiley in a special event today to commemorate the International Day of Happiness.
The smiley signifies the importance of happiness in our lives, whether as students, employees or simply as human beings. It also signifies that we demonstrate happiness when we smile and laugh.
The Smiley represents a moment when we take a pause and reflect and be grateful for all the things we have that make us happy. The University believes that such an event is a reminder to not just students but the community at large that Human values should be part of any organization and the responsibility that organizations have towards their employees and customers.
The Acting Dean of the School of Business and Economics, Prof. Kishor Meher, conveyed his sincere appreciation, gratitude and love to humanity at large, especially the Fijian community. He stated that “genuine happiness is a mental state where one perceives reality as it truly is. Rather
than stemming from self-centeredness, true happiness grows out of a deep love and compassion for all living beings worldwide, arising from a significant understanding of their suffering. Such compassion inspires awareness, resolve, and dedication to human life, ultimately nurturing a sense of fulfilment that manifests as profound happiness”.
The event was attended by all university staff and students. The Head of the Economics Department stated that this event is aimed at recalling the happiness in a busy university community. “The big smiley reflects the university as a Happy place, as it will be seen from the Queen’s Highway by the public who will see it from the roadside. Being happy and smiling in interaction with people gives us energy for our work. This event will help us recall the goal of our lives to everyone who is busy at work in their own isolated compartments”.
The Head of the Management Department highlighted that happiness is the ultimate goal and that the discipline of Management has key outcomes related to happiness, such as employee and customer satisfaction.
The University Student Association was a key part of this event. The University Choir also performed with the famous “Happy” rendition Hymn. The event was hosted outdoors at the Student Bure to signify the pleasure and happiness that all Fijians have being connected to the nature
around us.
The School of Business and Economics held two events to mark the International Day of Happiness, including a Brown Bag Seminar for all university staff by Associate Professors Dr Murage Athula Ranasinghe and Dr Navneel Prasad on March 20th, 2025. The “Unveiling of Fiji’s
Biggest Smiley” was the final event for this year’s International Day of Happiness.