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Sub-Strategic Plan Evaluation Training Session


Figure 1 Vice-Chancellor Professor Misir with staff, explaining the importance of sub-sub strategic plan.


Strategic plan is an important aspect in the University and it is vital that staff is made aware of its purpose, says Vice-Chancellor, Professor Prem Misir.

Speaking at the strategic plan evaluation training session for staff of the University, Prof Misir highlighted different aspects of strategic planning and how these aspects will help develop a better sub-strategic or sub-sub-strategic plan.

“It’s really a way of trying to show the location of the evaluation process and that location is ground zero. Many people think that the strategic plan is evaluated but instead it is the specific plans which come under the sub-sub strategic plans, which is evaluated. We are trying to find out whether there is a coordinated link among the strategic priorities, goals, objectives (which need to measurable), strategies, Key Point Indicators (KPIs) and the targets,” he said.

Mr Neeraj Sharma, of the Computer Science and IT Department said that it was important to know how to create a sub-strategic or sub-sub-strategic plan as this would act as a to-do-list where in 5 years, one should forecast where the department or school would stand.

“Another important aspect highlighted by the VC was in regards to reviewing, usually, strategic plans are reviewed on a quarterly basis but since this is a new initiative it is important to review it on a monthly basis to see the progress of the goals set out,” he commented.

He further stated that the workshop was quite helpful in guiding them to creating the sub-strategic and sub-sub strategic plans using the right matrix.

“It is important to follow the outline in order of the strategic priority as this will highlight the important things that need to be achieved within the 5 year period,” he said.

Ms Sanjaleen Prasad said that the deliberation created awareness on the 3 key challenges confronting higher education, that is, impact of new communication, research and teaching technologies, the need to change the traditional academic structure and seeking adaptive and flexible links between the University, industry and the economy.

“The sub strategic plan can be further modified to incorporate the three pillars mentioned and these are interdisciplinary, internalization and academic industry collaboration. The School and Department Strategic Plans can focus on these and provide a pathway towards achieving these for the University to flourish and grow further in the next five years,” she explained.

After the discussion it was decided that there would be monthly evaluations of the sub-strategic and sub-sub strategic plans.



















UniFiji Plans for COP23

The University of Fiji recognizes the importance of climate change adaptation and mitigation and Fiji’s Presidency at COP23 and has therefore devised a plan in the lead up to COP23 in November.

Ms Priyatma Singh, from the Department of Science at the University of Fiji said that one of the key priorities of the University was to create awareness on the important role of Fijian Government in addressing the vulnerability of Small Island Developing States to Climate related risks.

“As a University our role would be to promote the two major events (COP23 and United Nations Oceans Conference on Sea and Oceans) and create awareness especially since Fiji assumes presidency at COP23 in Bonn, Germany,” she said.

She further stated that the School of Science and Technology plans to hold events on a monthly basis in the lead up to COP23.

“We will try to host small interactive student seminar sessions building up to COP 23 every month beginning from 10th of April. Some of the probable seminar topics discussed would include: Climate Change Reality for Pacific Island Nations  – Role of Fijian Government at COP 23 ( To be facilitated by a government  official); Oceans & Climate Change -( Facilitators – PIDF and The University of Fiji );Climate Change Research at the University of Fiji – (Facilitators – Department of Science and The University of Fiji PACAM project team); Climate change Adaptation and Mitigation (Facilitators – One of the NGO’s ),” she explained.

The University also had a small presentation last Friday during the World Water Day where we informed University and high school students about COP 23.

Following is a plan initiated by the Department of Science for awareness on COP23:

  • The University of Fiji will collaborate with Pacific Islands Development Forum Secretariat to conduct a special public seminar on Oceans and Climate Change on the 28th of April, with the intention of creating public awareness on the United Nations’ SDG 14 and UNFCCC COP 23. Students and other important stakeholders would be invited to attend and their opinions would also be taken into consideration.
  • The University would also be creating awareness and hosting special student/community activities at events such as the World Earth day, World Environment day and World Oceans Day.
  • The University of Fiji in partnership with McDonald’s Fiji would be conducting a UniFiji -McDonald’s Eco-Contest in July. This year’s Eco-contest will place an even greater emphasis on climate issues in support of Fiji’s Presidency to the COP23 deliberations in Bonn, Germany. In keeping with the core objective of the annual COP meetings; issues such as climate change adaption, mitigation and disaster risk reduction are a few key areas that will be highlighted over the course of the competitions.








KBDCU- a Solution Based Conference


Figure 1 Co-Chair- Industrial Collaboration, Communication and Documentation of KBDCU conference, Dr Ajantha Perera.


The Knowledge Based Development Conference of Unifiji (KBDCU) scheduled for the 6th of May 2017 is a solution based conference says Technical and Research Officer of the Vice Chancellor’s office at UniFiji, Dr Ajantha Perera, who is also the Co-Chair- Industrial Collaboration, Communication and Documentation of KBDCU.

“It’s a solution based conference  in terms of teamwork; the research done by one person can’t solve all the problems so that’s why the research work of everyone is put together in one forum so that people can listen to each other and use the acquired knowledge for development,” she explained.

The KBDCU is a conference where academics as well as the corporate and government sectors could come together to discuss about the development of the country.

“For developing countries like Fiji, it is vital that academics and researchers, who are at the Universities, assist in the development program thus contribute towards development of Fiji as a nation, it needs the knowledge that is available from sciences, arts, music, literature, engineering and technology to come together so that they can prepare an action plan, prepare certain strategies, and how they could contribute to the development of the country,” she explained.

The conference would be divided into two parts where the first half (in the morning) would see discussion between academics from USP, FNU and UniFiji and the second half where the discussion would be expanded to the corporate sector.

“We would be inviting people from the different Universities (UniFiji, USP and FNU) and the corporate sector to come together to discuss about the research that is being done already. First half of the conference, which is the morning session would see a presentation of 40 papers from academic from USP, FNU and UniFiji,” she stated.

“In the afternoon we would be bringing the corporate sector to discuss with the research paper presenters as to how the corporate sector would like to liaise with the academic sector to take the research further and what they could use from the findings for their own development work as well as the development of the country,” she commented.

The University would like to humbly invite corporate sector from all works, NGOs, Government sectors, foreign sectors, academics as well as students to attend the conference.

KBDCU would be hosted at the University of Fiji Saweni campus on May 6, 2017.


Papers and Plenary by the Unifiji Staff CCAII International Conference

  1. Indian Indentured Women :  Domination and Social Degradation – Prof. Prem Misir
  2. Fijian Women’s role in Disaster Risk Management and Climate Change – Dharishna Charan, Manpreet Kaur, Priyatma Singh
  3. A pilot study of freshwater quality and its biotic communities in selected sources in the west region of Fiji – Kushaal Raj, Sanjay Singh, Priyatma Singh and Dharishna Charan
  4. Public Participation towards sustainable development :  Two case studies from Sri Lanka – Dr. Ajantha Perera and Manavi Perera
  5. Hidden Curriculum in relation to local conditions in Fiji – Ms. Rigieta Lord
  6. Fiji Kisan Sangh –  Sanjaleen Prasad and Manpreet Kaur
  7. The Plight of Indentured Laborers in Fiji – Parvin Lata, Washni Kumar, Suvishna Singh
  8. Cooperative Movement – Sanjaleen Prasad, Manpreet Kaur
  9. The roles and contributions of Indian Immigrant women in Fiji on Sustainable development – Kamala Naicker and Rosalie Muertigue

Student Volunteers at the International Conference



The University of Fiji played a fundamental role as a major sponsors for the International Conference to Commemorate the Centennial of the Abolition of Indian Indentureship (CCAII).

The event was held at The University of Fiji from March 22 – March 24, 2017. During the actual conference, 25 Student Volunteers from The University of Fiji were instrumental in the swift transition of the four parallel sessions.  It was equally exciting times for The University of Fiji’s 25 students  being part of the largest International Conference in the South Pacific  through Student Volunteer initiative.

Student Volunteer Coordinators, Ms. Manpreet Kaur and Ms. Sanjaleen Prasad of Department of Language, Literature and Communication and Mr. Avineel Kumar from School of Business and Economics are proud of the students commitment, leadership and team work that they have displayed over the past three days. Majority of the Student Volunteers are students of LLC, i-Taukei and Hindi majors.

The Executive Director Finance, Mr. Ravineet Sami also played an essential role in coordinating all the logistical arrangements needed for the Conference. The three academic and managerial staff of The University of Fiji  worked closely with the organizers of the international conference.

Ms. Manpreet Kaur, said ‘The conference was an opportune time  to meet with scholars and academics from around the world and equally stimulating experience for our students to par-take in the conference either as Student Volunteers or attending the myriad sessions during the conference.

Ms. Sanjaleen Prasad shared that: ‘our 25 students played a key role in facilitating the logistical aspect of this international conference.

Mr. Avineel Kumar, was pleased to be a part of this conference. Brendon Shamher,  one of the student volunteer’s is looking forward to the yet another conference that UniFiji will host. He adds this it will definitely provide hands-on management skills and other soft skills better preparing UniFiji graduates for employability.

The Coordinators are thankful to the UniFiji ground staff, security, taxi service, cafeteria, Support staff, IT Section and other key personnels, who assisted in making  the conference a success.