Postgraduate Diploma in Accounting

Programme Code: PGDACC

Specialisation: Accounting

Programme Type: Postgraduate

Semester/Trimester: Semester

Duration: 1 year Full-Time / 2 years Part- Time

Campus: Saweni, Samabula

Number of Courses: 4

Credit Point: 120

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Programme Description

Admission Requirements

Persons shall be eligible to be admitted to study for a Postgraduate Diploma in Accounting if they have:

✅ Completed a Bachelor’s Degree in Accounting with a GPA of 3.0 from a recognised university. A provisional entry is granted to those students who do not meet the GPA of 3.0 requirement above. In the provisional entry, students are required to complete one 400 level course in Accounting with a B grade to enter the full programme and the passed unit will be applied as full credit under the programme.

✅ It is mandatory for students to have a bachelor’s degree in Accounting before proceeding with PGDACC.

Compulsory Courses
ACC402, ACC403
ACC401, ACC404, ACC405, ACC406, ACC407, ACC408, ACC409 and ACC410

Estimated Local Fees


Estimated International Fees

