Research Publications

Aims and scope:

Asia-Pacific Journal of Education, Business, and Society (APJEBS) is an open-access, blind peer-reviewed, inter-disciplinary academic journal. The journal welcomes theoretical and/or applied research papers on accounting, business ethics, education, economics, feminist studies, finance, gender studies, HRM, law, literature, management, marketing, media and communication studies, politics, political science, post-colonial studies, race and ethnicity studies, and/or sociology. Papers dealing with Fiji and Pacific Island nation topics will be especially welcomed and the journal will have occasional special issues relating to such countries and topic areas. We accept research using archival data, quantitative research, qualitative research, and mixed methods research. Research papers dealing with social justice and applied ethics topics or with a social justice or applied ethics focus will be most welcome. Papers drawing partly or wholly upon the sub-disciplines of Critical Accounting and/or Critical Management Studies (CMS) will be most welcome. We will also consider accounting, business, and business ethics education papers. Journal articles will normally be between 5,000 and 12,000 words including all references, footnotes, tables, and figures. Book reviews and obituaries of between 750 and 4,000 words will also be considered for publication.

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We are very pleased to announce that renowned accounting scholar Professor Tony Tinker of Baruch College at City University of New York, USA has joined our editorial board. Professor Tinker is a world-leading scholar in the area of critical accounting. His most famous books are Paper Prophets: Fraudulent Accounting and Failed Audits (1985) and Policing Accounting Knowledge: The Market for Excuses Affair (1995). He is the former co-editor of Critical Perspectives on Accounting journal and is the current co-editor of International Journal of Critical Accounting; African Journal of Accounting, Auditing and Finance; and African Journal of Economic and Sustainable Development. Baruch College at the City University of New York, located at the corner of Lexington Avenue and East 23rd Street, has the largest undergraduate accounting enrollment numbers of any business school in the USA. The International Conference on Critical Accounting (ICCA), hosted and organized by Professors Tony Tinker and Aida Sy, is held at Baruch College usually in late April of every year.


Dr. Kieran James, The University of Fiji, Fiji Islands,
Mr. Salvin Nand, The University of Fiji, Fiji Islands,
Dr. Narendra Reddy, The University of Fiji, Fiji Islands,

Associate editor:

Dr. Marie H. Kavanagh, Accounting / Accounting Education, University of Southern Queensland, Australia,

Journal articles will normally be between 5,000 and 12,000 words including all references, footnotes, tables, and figures. In order to be considered for publication, shorter or longer articles need the prior written approval of one or more of the co-editors. Book reviews and obituaries of between 750 and 4,000 words will also be considered for publication (at co-editors’ discretion and without formal peer review).

Submit papers by email to:

Submission Guidelines:

Please use Times New Roman 12 font, single-spacing, and justified text; footnotes not end-notes (Times New Roman, 10 font, single-spaced); bold and unnumbered section headings; italics (not bold) and unnumbered section sub-headings; and any consistent and orthodox formatting style for References List. Online references cited should include full URLs and access dates. Abstracts should be between 100-250 words (unstructured). At the moment we only accept English-language submissions.

Publication fees:

Fees are payable by the author on acceptance of the paper for publication at rates of F$100 for Fiji-based and Pacific Island country-based authors and US$200 for all other authors. Fees can be reduced or waived on hardship grounds and once agreed to in writing by Dr. Kieran James. Please pay by paypal to the paypal account of: (but do not send emails to this address).

For enquiries contact:

Dr. Kieran James, Accounting, The University of Fiji, Fiji Islands,
Mr. Salvin Nand, Law, The University of Fiji, Fiji Islands,
Dr. Narendra Reddy, Management, HRM, Marketing, The University of Fiji, Fiji Islands,
Dr. Kieran James, all other discipline areas, The University of Fiji, Fiji Islands,
