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UniFiji Debating First Runner Up – Final Round of the Dialogue Fiji

UniFiji debating team came the first runner up in the final round of the Dialogue Fiji Inter-University “Debate on Election Series” which took place yesterday, Saturday 9th April 2022. The University expresses its gratitude to Dialogue Fiji for providing our students with the opportunity to express and defend their ideas, opinions and thoughts. Freedom of expression is one of the tenets of the right to education and it was a pleasure to see Ezra, Adarsh and Joape freely express their ideas so responsibly during the debate. Well done Team UniFiji!

From this team, Ezra Pickering and Aadarsh Kumar are former SOST Foundation Science graduates currently pursuing MBBS.
SOST would like to congratulate them and is pleased to see that SOST-Alumni are accomplishing great things.

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