Strategic Direction

SOST Admission

Core Values

The core values of The School of Science and Technology contest with the University provide the foundation for staff and students to fulfil the mission and achieve the vision of the institution. These values ground and enliven the University’s identity and commitment to knowledge for both personal enhancement and social progress.

The core values of The University of Fiji are as follows:

• Flexible – The University promotes flexibility in the pursuit of theoretical and practical knowledge while encouraging a life well-lived, a lifelong philosophy of informed, critical thinking to meet evolving challenges and opportunities.
• Innovative – The University supports innovation and change that will fulfil its mission, advance its vision, and integrate its values by encouraging personalized learning and pedagogy that recognizes living and learning in a technology – rich world.
• Affordable- The University is considerate of the socio-economic status of the students and offers an affordable learning environment. The University demonstrates this commitment by keeping low tuition fee and offering structured payment plans.
• Contemporary – The University is contemporary in nature and offers exciting programs that will equip students with the skills, knowledge and experience to support the next generation of children and young people.

Strategic Priority

Our strategic goal is research driven excellent education across Fiji to drive the nation through knowledge based development. The driving strategic themes that guide The University of Fiji to achieve this goal are:
1. Learning and Teaching
2. Research
3. Environmental and Social Responsibilities
4. Infrastructure and Systems
While the strategic themes that will sustain those achievements are;
1. Student Services
2. Governance and Financial Sustainability
3. Risk Assessment and
4. Accountability Framework

Our strategic goal is research driven excellent education across Fiji and Globally. The eight stipulated strategic themes guide The University of Fiji to achieve this goal:

5. Learning and Teaching
6. Student Services
7. Research
8. Environmental and Social Responsibilities
9. Governance and Financial Sustainability
10. Infrastructure and Systems
11. Risk Assessment and
12. Accountability Framework

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