Interim Committee Members


SOST Alumni – A South Pacific Global Smart Community

Together We Will Go Far! get connected png 4265096

The School of Science and Technology, University of Fiji success story begins with you. You are our pride. You are the Ambassador of The University of Fiji. There are hundreds of ways for you to stay involved after you graduate. You can mentor a student who wants to step into Uni, volunteer in your community or support students who need learning help in their journey. The Alumni Portal has what you need to build your networks and take your career to the next stage. Stay with us and start exploring now — the opportunities are endless.

Alvin II 3

President: Mr. Alvin Prasad


Vice President: Ms. Priyanka Singh


        General Secretary : Mr. Danian Singh


     Asst. General Secretary: Ms. Meresiana Bula

Shireen II

Treasurer: Ms. Shireen Nisha

VikashPrasadAsst Treasurer1

Asst. Treasurer: Mr. Vikash Prasad


Executive Committee Member: Mr. Shanil Chetty

Executive Committee Member: Mr. Aaron Vinek Dutt