SOST is keen to continue quality research with local and international collaboration, because we believe international collaboration enables researchers to access additional, often specific, expertise, gain new perspectives on research and build strong academic relationships with others in the field, which for early stage researchers and also a young school such as SOST can be key to career development.

Interdisciplinary Environment and Energy Research (IEER) Group

The research group is led by the Department of Science to look into issues pertaining to climate change, renewable energy, environment and related issues. Our group has dedicated researchers with a conducive learning environment for prospective research students. Interested students can contact the department for more information.

Current Student Researchers

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Ms. Sheemal Kumar

Programme: MSc Environmental Science
Research Area: Environmental & Atmospheric Chemistry, Air Quality, Particulate Matter.


Neha Nand

Programme: MSc Environmental Science
Research Area: Flood Forecasting & Machine Learning.

Manendra Prasad

Manendra Prasad

Programme: MSc REM
Research Area: Solar Energy & Techno-economic analysis.


Mohammed Asif Khan

Programme: MSc REM
Research Area: Hydro-electricity, Microhydro & Renewables in Agriculture.

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Rinal Prasad

Programme: MSc REM
Research Area: Bioenergy, biogas & home-biogas.

Ronil Devend

Ronil Devend

Programme: MSc REM
Research Area: Land Transportation, Energy Efficiency & Policy.

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Sharuna Devi

Programme: MSc REM
Research Area: Bioenergy, by-product to energy – Baggase.


Nazeel Nixon Ali

Programme: MSc REM
Research Area: Renewable Energy modelling & forecasting.

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Ayesha Kirti Reddy

Programme: BSc-GDT, BSc(Maths/Physics)
Research Area: Climate Change, Waste Management, and Policy.

External Collaborators

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Mr Lionel Joseph

Affiliation: University of Southern Queensland, Australia

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Ellinor Wahnström

Programme: MSc Sustainable Energy Engineering
Research Area: Emergency Energy Supply.

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Erika Rebhan

Programme: MSc in Sustainable Energy Engineering at KTH Royal Institute of Technology
Research Area: Emergency Energy Supply.


Mr Malvin Nadan

Affiliation: University of Auckland

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Completed Student Research Projects
Tilda Eklund and Anna Fredén, 2023. Hydrogen fuel in the domestic maritime transport sector of Fiji - A Feasibility Study. KTH, Stockholm, Sweden.
Felix Askenberger and Victor Renefalk, 2023. Assessing offshore wind power potential in Fiji - A GIS-based site suitability and feasibility analysis. KTH, Stockholm, Sweden.
Abhishek Vinod Dayal, 2022. Energy perspective and biofuels policy pathways for Fiji’s land transportation sector.
Sanjay R Singh, 2022. Hydropower potential estimation using watershed modelling via Q-SWAT analysis of Wainimala River Basin, Fiji.
Ashish Chand, 2021. Prospect of Biofuel Production Using Indigenous Resources in Fiji. An Economics Analysis of Dilo Methyl Ester, Dilo Ethyl Ester and Bio-Ethanol.
Manendra Prasad, 2021. A techno-economic evaluation of bifacial solar with monofacial solar farm for western Vitilevu.
Atesh Chand, 2021. Potential for Large Scale (10MW) Solar PV Farm For Western Viti Levu Fiji.
Merlyn Gounder, 2020. Optimizing the Production Efficiency of a Biomass Power Plant at Nabou Green Energy Ltd.
Doreen Reddy, 2020. Calopphyllum Inophyllum Oil (Dilo) For Biodiesel Production: A Resource Assessment Using Geographical Information System.
Dhrishna Charan, 2020. A Life Cycle Analysis of Pongamia Methyl Ester Production in the Marginal Lands of Viti Levu.
Surya Prasad, Large Scale Biogas Production From a Piggery Farm in the Western Division in Fiji
Satish Prasad, A Relevant Renewable Energy Programme for Fiji Schools - Present Status and Prospects For Development
Lionel Joseph, 2019. Prospects for Wind Power Integration into Fiji’s Grids: A Comparative Feasibility Evaluation of Four Sites in Viti Levu.
Malvin Kushal Nadan, 2019. An Assessment of the Biogas Generation Potential of Municipal Solid Waste at the Vunato Disposal Site.

Contact Us

Dr Ramendra Prasad
Group Leader


If you have any project idea or are seeking placements and/or have own scholarships, we are happy to discuss and assist.