Department of Science

Dept of Science

The Department of Science at the University of Fiji is spread across two vibrant campuses, that is, Saweni and Suva Campus. Our mission is to promote excellence in education, training, research outreach activities in the basic and applied sciences and to organize and conduct such programs to support national development. Our academic team are extensively trained to undertake specialized teaching and research activities in the areas of Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Environmental Science and Renewable energy. Our collaboration with major national and global research organisations keeps our researchers and students at the forefront of developing technologies and the latest discoveries in science. We develop the future leaders of science and actively partner with innovative industries to solve scientific problems. Our research interest lies in the areas of Marine Science and Policy, Climate Change Adaptation, Ecology and Conservation, Geographic Information System (GIS), Environmental Science, etc.

Science Academics

Prof Dan

Professor Dan Frederick Orcherton
Ed.D (Athabasca University, PhD (UPR, Cuba)

 Professor in Science

Teaching and Research Interest: Climate Change, Forestry

                    LinkedIn Profile                

Ramendra 2

Dr Ramendra Prasad
PhD; MSc, BSc GCEd, Dip Ed
Head of Department Science
Senior Lecturer in Physics

Phone: 6640600 ext: 163

Teaching and Research- Energy and Environmental Modeling, Advanced data analytics

LinkedIn Profile           Google Scholar

Priyatma Singh

Ms. Priyatma Singh
MSc, PGDip Biology, GCTT, BSc, S.Pac.
Lecturer in Biology
Phone: +679 6640600 ext: 189
Fax: +679 6640700

Teaching and Research- Marine Science and Policy, Climate Change Adaptation

LinkedIn Profile           Google Scholar

IMG 1323

Dr Sekove Vodo
PhD, MBioRes, BSc
Lecturer Chemistry
Phone: 679 6640600 ext 171
Fax: +679 6640700

Teaching and Research- Thermochemical technology, Sub/Supercritical condition, Microencapsulation, Bioprocess engineering, Hemicellulose/Lignin valorization, Agro-industrial by-product diversification pathways.

LinkedIn Profile           ORCID

Dhrishna Charan

Ms. Dhrishna Charan Maharaj
MSc (MREM), PGDip (Climate Change),  BScGCEd (Maths/Physics)
Assistant Lecturer
Phone: +679 6640600 ext: 163
Fax: +679 6640700

Teaching and Research- Physics, Renewable Energy

LinkedIn Profile           Google Scholar


Ms. Shirlyn Vandana Lata
MSc (Biology), PGDip (Biologoy), GCED, BSc (Biology & Chemistry), USP
Assistant Lecturer
Phone: +679 6640600 ext: 266
Fax: +679 6640700

Teaching and Research – Biology

LinkedIn Profile          

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Mr. Ronald Maharaj
MSc (Physics), PGDip (Physics),  BSc (Maths/Physics), USP
Assistant Lecturer
Phone: +679 6640600
Fax: +679 6640700

Teaching and Research- Geo-science, Hydro-meteorology and Physics


Ms. Azekah Swamy
Bachelor of Science, Postgraduate Diploma in Chemistry, Currently Masters of Science
Assistant Lecturer
Phone: +679 6640600 ext: 171
Fax: +679 6640700

Teaching and Research- Chemistry

LinkedIn Profile          Google Scholar

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Mr. Praneet Reddy

Assistant Lecturer (P/T)
Phone: +679 6640600 ext: 171
Fax: +679 6640700

Teaching and Research- Hybrid Biofuels; Environment Sustainability and Governance

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Mr. Renil Ritesh Kumar
Msc, Agronomy
Lecturer (P/T)
Phone: +679 6640600 ext: 266
Fax: +679 6640700

Teaching and Research – Agricultural Engineering

Research and Technical Staff

Profile Picture Kelera Railoa

Ms. Kelera Railoa

BSc (Environmental Science) (USP), PGDip Climate Change (USP)

Project ManagerUSAID Pacific American Fund “Development of Entrepreneurial Skills Post-COVID-19 through Rural Aquaculture” Project

Phone: +679 6640600 ext: 282

Google Scholar

LinkedIn Profile

Passport Photo

Ms. Salanieta Ranadi Tamani
BSc- Biology and Food & Nutritional Studies (USP), Post Graduate Diploma in Science-Biology (USP)
Research Assistant
Phone: +679 6640600 ext: 282
Fax: +679 6640700


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Mr. Peni Nabutu
Bachelor of Science (Biology and Chemistry)
Laboratory Technician
Phone: +679 6640600 ext: 266
Fax: +679 6640700
