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Research @ SOST

Research at School of Science and Technology is about making a better world. Our innovative research centres help to solve global challenges, produce smarter technology, and extend hands to our communities. With a diverse range of research areas, close links with industry, and first-class facilities, SOST research adds contribution to make our world sustainable.

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Biological Science

Research in Biology isimportant to us such as ecological research, environmental research, medical research etc. Biology is one of the five fundamental pillars in SOST research. Meet Our Team
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Data Science

We shape digital data using Mathematics and Statistics as a tool to serve our community. Among sky, soil and sea we travel to collect data for knowledge discovery.

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Renewable Energy

Earth’s temperature has risen by 0.14° F (0.08° C) per decade since 1880, and the rate of warming over the past 40 years is more than twice that is a big concern of our pacific nations. This is our top priority area in SOST research.

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Cyber & Data Security

Nowadays Data is more than gold for any business organisation. We are skilled on AI and Machine Learning for research based security services.

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