Research Centres

SOST is keen to continue quality research with local and international collaboration. Because we believe international collaboration enables researchers to access additional, often specific, expertise, gain new perspectives on research and build strong academic relationships with others in the field, which for early stage researchers and also a young school such as SOST can be key to career development.

SOST Research Grant Achievement

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Honorable US Ambassador, Ms. Judith Cefkin with USAiD Executive, Director Climate Change , Government of Fiji  and The UniFiji SOST research team in the US$404,729.00 grant opening ceremony  April 13, 2015.



USAID Pacific Islands Acting Senior Development Advisor Patrick Bowers awards the grant certificate of FJ$ 733,000 to Professor Tupeni Baba, Dean of the School of Humanities and Arts, University of Fiji on Oct. 14, 2021.


SOST Research Centres

Our research centres are internationally renowned for the environmental science, renewable energy, software engineering, security, AI and machine learning. We believe nothing is more important than research to survive in this competitive and challenging world.

Centre for Climate Change, Energy, Environment and Sustainable Development (CCCEESD)

Centre for Climate Change, Energy, Environment and Sustainable Development (CCCEESD) at the University of Fiji was established by the University Council to strengthen research capacity, policy making, planning and sustainable development in areas of climate change, energy and environment. It showcases University of Fiji at regional level and enhances strategic alliances with stakeholders with a view to collaborate research, consultancies and attracting regional students. The centre will provide long term research on the causes and consequences of climate change in order to foster the creation of knowledge in this multidisciplinary science.

Goals and Objectives

The main goals and objectives of the Centre are: research/ analysis of emerging issues in renewable energy and climate change; monitor global and national climate variability and change; prepare a highly-qualified team of researchers with the primary objective of achieving excellence in research, training and dissemination; offer postgraduate programmes and opportunities for research in strategic areas such as natural resource management and climate change; and, to establish links with institutions and research organizations in developed and developing countries.

News and Events

The Centre has established a new Masters Programme in Renewable Energy Management which will begin in semester 1, 2017. The programme is offered to offered in the face to face mode and is available to Bachelor of Science graduates with backgrounds in Chemistry, Physics, Environmental Science and Engineering as well people who have good experience in the Renewable Energy Management sector.

The University of Fiji in collaboration with University of Alicante, Spain, University of Papua New Guinea, PNG and European Commission (EC) undertook the Project RENEWABLE ENERGY IN THE PACIFIC: DEVELOPING SKILLS AND CAPACITY (EPIC). The duration of the project was 3 years with the total budget of 469403.92 Euros out of which 398993.33 Euros is sponsored by European Commission (EC).           

The project started in the month October 2013 and the first visit to attend the Kick Off meeting at University of Alicante, Spain in November 2013.

The objective of the project was to:

•   establish the Centre of Renewable Energy (CORE)

•   develop Masters in Renewable Energy Management (REM)

For more information can be found on EPIC website:

Contact Person:

Dr. Sekove Vodo
PhD, MBioRes, BSc
Lecturer Chemistry
Phone: 679 6640600 ext 139
Fax: +679 6640700

Dr. Ramendra Prasad
PhD; MSc; BSc GCEd; Dip Ed
Senior Lecturer, Department of Science
Phone: +679 6640600 ext: 163
Fax: +679 6640700

Centre of Smart Technologies (CST)

Over the last century, ICT has become a key contributing factor towards economic growth in both advanced and developing countries. In the knowledge economy, information circulates at the international level through trade in goods and services, direct investment, technology flows, and the movement of people. As a result, ICT has been placed at the heart of economic changes in many countries. ICT sector plays an important role, notably by contributing to rapid technological progress and productivity growth for any country. The use of ICT such as smart phones, internet applications, game technologies, various computer attachments and software programs have resulted in many positive changes in our modern society. These changes have not just been of a technical nature but more importantly of a structural nature. Majority of the organizations in today’s society has advanced and this has a huge impact on our daily lives. Our current ICT community however, has yet to reach its expectation level. Therefore, the continuation of research and innovation in ICT has become a continuous process. You may consider Centre of Smart Technologies at The University of Fiji would be the right platform to start your research and innovation in ICT.

Goals and Objectives

The goals of this center are:

  • To develop a nationally and internationally recognized center of excellence in ICT;
  • To provide an environment for the development and retention of productive faculty;
  • To facilitate the training of students, graduate students, post-doctoral fellows, and community members; and
  • To encourage the development of translational and applied research with funding from local industries, federal agencies and international communities.

The CST research outcome will provide high innovative research that will encourage recruitment of high quality graduate students and post-doctoral fellows from the general public, industry sectors as well as internationally. This center will fascinate to exchange well known researchers idea for UniFiji’s research community and will highly involve exploring ICT education for those who never even got an opportunity to explore modern ICT equipments. The location of the center adjacent to the Fiji Islands will also facilitate interactions to develop a research relationship in the Asia-Pacific regions.

News and Events

The Centre has added skill to SOST graduate students who are currently leading ICT teams in the local and and international industries.

Contact Person:

Dr A B M Shawkat Ali
PhD (Monash Uni); MPhil; MSc; BSc; SMIEEE

Professor in Data  Science

Phone: +679 6640600 ext: 163
Fax: +679 6640700


CST Graduate

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             Sana Nisha

              Software Engineer, Fiji Sugar Corporation, Fiji

Jashnil 1

             Jashnil Kumar

             Sales Account Executive & Professional Service     
             Consultant, Datec Fiji PTE Ldt, Fiji.

Mish III

EVD & MFS Engineer

Digicel Pacific, Fiji

Ashwini Kartika

Ashwini Kartika

Application Developer, Telecom Fiji Limited


Avneel Prasad

Senior Software Engineer, Fiji Sugar Corporation, Fiji