Area of Research

Priority Based Research Areas @ SOST

SOST research continues to reflect The University of Fiji’s strategic commitment to serve our South Pacific community. School prides itself on recruiting the talent,
innovative researchers with the support of international donors funding , such as USAiD, EU and JICA.

As we move forward, we’ll continue to strengthen and expand key international partnerships with local, regional and international universities, industries and government. In close collaboration with our industry and government partners, we will focus on improving  the ways in which our research can maximize the support to our community.

From our SOST unique strengths, consulting with the research community and identifying the world’s most critical challenges, we have identified four important areas that will form a framework for the SOST’s continuing interdisiciplanary research efforts:


Climate Change

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Researching the climate helps us to predict how much rain cloud reduce to drop in our Fijian soil, or how far our sea levels will rise due to warmer sea temperatures. We can also see which of our island can be most likely to be affected by extreme weather, or which wildlife species are threatened by climate change.

Renewable Energy

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International research
community claims Renewable energy can supply two-thirds of the total global energy demand that can contribute to the bulk of the greenhouse gas emissions reduction. With biomass, a lot of research is
focusing on environmentally
acceptable and sustainable source to mitigate climate change. Therefore, our small island countries can survive.

AI & Machine Learning

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Nowadays AI technology is important to us because it enables human
capabilities understanding,

reasoning, planning, communication and perception –
to be undertaken by software increasingly effectively, efficiently and at low cost. AL and Machine learning is helping to the industries to reduce carbon emission, filling the gap of skill human storage.

Digital Health

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Digital health technology is helping to improve access to users’ health information to support medical practitioner for clinical decision making, patient safety and continuity of care. It has strengths on diagnostic accuracy and treatment through decision support systems that provide prompts and alerts, and screening of individuals by risk or health status.