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UniFiji’s South Pacific Astronomy Society of Enthusiasts (SPASE)

What an exciting morning it was!
The early morning sky of April 16th proved to be a thing of great wonder as four planets – Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn, aligned in an almost straight line to the great delight of onlookers from our University’s Saweni Campus. The planet/star gazing event which was organized by UniFiji’s South Pacific Astronomy Society of Enthusiasts (SPASE), was attended by approximately 80 people including SPASE members and the University of Fiji staff and student enthusiasts, The University of Fiji Vice-Chancellor was present during this historical event also. So great was the interest that participants from all over Viti-Levu made it to the event at such early hours.
We started observing at 2.30 am by viewing the moon using the telescope while waiting for the planets to rise in the South Eastern Sky. A little past 3 am, the first planet, Saturn appeared – bright and early. This was soon followed by Mars and Venus (the brightest of them all!). Jupiter was a bit of a late riser but by 5.30 am, it too was in clear view. All in all, it was an event not to be missed. A great way for morning larks to start off their day. And for most of us night owls out there, it was well worth getting up early for once 🙂
To attend events organized by SPASE, become a member by using the following link:

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