Student Volunteers at the International Conference



The University of Fiji played a fundamental role as a major sponsors for the International Conference to Commemorate the Centennial of the Abolition of Indian Indentureship (CCAII).

The event was held at The University of Fiji from March 22 – March 24, 2017. During the actual conference, 25 Student Volunteers from The University of Fiji were instrumental in the swift transition of the four parallel sessions.  It was equally exciting times for The University of Fiji’s 25 students  being part of the largest International Conference in the South Pacific  through Student Volunteer initiative.

Student Volunteer Coordinators, Ms. Manpreet Kaur and Ms. Sanjaleen Prasad of Department of Language, Literature and Communication and Mr. Avineel Kumar from School of Business and Economics are proud of the students commitment, leadership and team work that they have displayed over the past three days. Majority of the Student Volunteers are students of LLC, i-Taukei and Hindi majors.

The Executive Director Finance, Mr. Ravineet Sami also played an essential role in coordinating all the logistical arrangements needed for the Conference. The three academic and managerial staff of The University of Fiji  worked closely with the organizers of the international conference.

Ms. Manpreet Kaur, said ‘The conference was an opportune time  to meet with scholars and academics from around the world and equally stimulating experience for our students to par-take in the conference either as Student Volunteers or attending the myriad sessions during the conference.

Ms. Sanjaleen Prasad shared that: ‘our 25 students played a key role in facilitating the logistical aspect of this international conference.

Mr. Avineel Kumar, was pleased to be a part of this conference. Brendon Shamher,  one of the student volunteer’s is looking forward to the yet another conference that UniFiji will host. He adds this it will definitely provide hands-on management skills and other soft skills better preparing UniFiji graduates for employability.

The Coordinators are thankful to the UniFiji ground staff, security, taxi service, cafeteria, Support staff, IT Section and other key personnels, who assisted in making  the conference a success.