The University of Fiji will champion acceleration of women’s advancement by ensuring that women who have shown meritorious performance do not get left behind in appointments, promotion, career opportunities and qualifications at the University. This was the message that the Vice Chancellor Professor Shaista Shameem delivered for International Women’s Day to the staff and students of the University on Friday to commemorate IWD on 8th March.
Professor Shaista Shameem said that for far too long competent and qualified women had to take a backseat when it was obvious that the only reason for their lack of seniority in University positions was that they were female. These women were not seeking special favours or affirmative action because they were women but because they had achieved what was required for equality. They had to be treated the same as men in opportunities for work and advancement. Hence the University would accelerate action for suitably qualified and experienced women both in academic and administrative roles.
Professor Shameem said that the University’s policy was that all positions are filled on merit, meaning that both staff and students are expected to retain its position as the top-quality tertiary institution in the region.
At the same time, the University also, simultaneously, had a firm blueprint on equity and equality, Professor Shameem said. “All those who join UniFiji are aware that, irrespective of personal circumstances or attributes including gender, ethnicity or anything else, quality is the driving force of the University”.
For that reason, women who exhibit quality in learning, teaching and administration need not fear that they would fall behind within the University system due to their gender, she said. Professor Shameem urged UniFiji women to accelerate their studies and work experiences to be able to attain the highest possible qualifications and career opportunities on offer.