UniFiji a member of the Association of Commonwealth Universities (ACU)

Message from Acting Vice-Chancellor, Professor Shaista Shameem
I am delighted to announce that, after a hiatus of several years, the University of Fiji is once again a proud member of the Association of Commonwealth Universities (ACU).
The ACU is a family of universities in the Commonwealth which provides support, collegiality, relationship-building, information and sharing of best practices to its members. The ACU is the only accredited Commonwealth organisation to represent higher education globally.
Engagement with the ACU will provide the University of Fiji with opportunities to attend high level forums that include Commonwealth ministerial meetings and the United Nations. The ACU’s focus on international collaboration as the key to tackling global challenges will be helpful for the University of Fiji, particularly in these challenging times.
 As an ACU member we will be part of international collaborations that address: • Global challenges • Access and inclusion • Supporting research, and •Strengthening universities.
 The ACU’s focus for 2020-2021 are the topics of:
• Addressing the digital divide through inclusive practices • Enhancing student experience of international mobility in times of COVID-19 • Historical injustice and building the future campus – inclusion and equity • Designing new international partnerships for enhancing blended and online learning
 • Strengthening investment in research and partnerships for the SDGs, and        • Supporting universities’ contribution to sustainable societies and tackling climate change.
The ACU also links member universities with research institutions and backers for applications for grants and endowments for research and publication.
The Association works through the format of Ambassadorship and relationship-building between the ACU Secretariat and individual universities which nominate their ambassadors.
I have appointed our Executive Director Finance Planning and Development, Mr Ravineet Sami, and our student and Vox Journalist and News Presenter Ms Christal Kapoor as our Ambassadors for liaising with the ACU for projects and programmes of interest to the students and staff of the University.
Our Ambassadors will be sending out information as relevant from time to time.