UniFiji LLC Department–Well established to deliver: Chan


UniFiji’s Language, Literature and Communications (LLC) department is well established to deliver its varied courses with reference to the Fiji Qualifications Framework (FQF) and the University of Fiji Strategic Plan (2017-2021), says

Dr Chan, from The University of New England, NSW Australia, carried out an extensive review of all undergraduate and postgraduate programmes documents and course materials in November, 2016.

“The academic programmes of LLC are well-structured to provide flexible options for students to progress from diploma to degree programs at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels,” she commented.

Dr Chan further added that LLC engages in continuous improvement processes for curriculum development.

“The Quality Assurance Team at UniFiji and academic staff were working together to ensure the relevant FQF learning outcomes and University requirements were met,” she elaborated.

She also shared that the Programme Objectives (PO) explicitly set out the processes and skills students were expected to engage in during the programme of study.

The Head of Department, Kamala Naiker, explained that the findings of Dr. Chan reveal that academic programmes offered in LLC were comprehensively propositioned to prepare graduate teachers for teaching in the local school system.

“The LLC Department always endeavours to see that the teaching, learning and assessment practices of the LLC are of the highest quality, as evidenced by curriculum documents, continuous improvement processes, and overwhelmingly positive student feedbacks,” she reinforced.

The review was conducted as part of the University’s continuous improvement programmes of critical self-examination and to assist with its preparation for accreditation.

Dr. Eveline Chan is a member of the English, Literacies and Languages Education (ELLE) team.

Within this group, she specializes in English and literacy and is a member of the Languages, Literacies and Literature Research Network.

Since the last external review of the department during May 2011, the department has grown in terms of student numbers and further strengthened its programmes structure, content, teaching pedagogy and mode of delivery.